happy 2015!

how it got to be 2015, I have no idea. I've finally gotten some time off since Christmas, and it was so necessary after such a busy Autumn. I'm quite relieved I can be really introverted again. I spent today journal writing, deeply reflecting on 2014 and planning 2015. Although it's daunting, I really love having creative control over my life. Dreaming and then building; it's a very natural process for me. I have what feels like a million goals and tasks for this year, both personally and professionally, but here's what I'm focusing on in 2015:


For Mary & Luna, my focus will always be growth and evolution. I will continue to create art that I love, and I will continue to capture childhood through my camera. I hope my art and photography reach more people this year. 2014 was very challenging for me to balance life and work, but for my first full year in business, I suppose it went considerably well! I had a list of big things I wanted to do for Mary & Luna in 2014, and I did 4 out of 5, so I'm happy with that! Onto planning the big stuff for each month of 2015 now!

I hope you all embrace the refreshing feeling of a new year and use it to build the life you're dreaming of. 

xo, Michelle

Follow me @maryandluna on your favorite social media: InstagramTwitterFacebook. See my art in my Etsy shop or on maryandluna.com

2014 is here?!

I can't believe I haven't blogged for a month... I honestly have no idea where the last month went! I was swept up in the holidays, I guess. But I'm back and focused on creating more and running the art business stuff!

Here's what you can look forward to from Mary & Luna in 2014:

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I've also made a simplified list of my personal resolutions. I do it every year, and it really helps me focus on self-improvement and continuing to build a life I love. I always write a massive private journal entry about the specifics of these goals, but that's not necessary to bombard you all with. So here's what I'm working on in 2014:

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2013 was so great in a lot of ways. It was the hardest I've ever worked, the most beautiful traveling I've ever done, and the hardest I've ever played. At the end of the year when it was feeling like a blur, I looked back and the theme came to me: I really lived in 2013.

Last year was all about getting my art business out there, and just getting started. It's only been 7 months since I launched. This year will be about channeling my creativity even more and growing my audience.  I feel much more confident now that this is going to work. I'm realizing just how hard it will be, but I think the reward of creating this little artsy world for myself will be so worth the challenge. I'm constantly learning so much.

So here's to another year of hard work & pouring out my ideas on paper & adventuring through the 365 days. I hope it's beautiful.

I'll end this blog post with some of my favorite photos from my first-ever trip to New York. It was a winter wonderland and so ridiculously classically beautiful. The architecture and the weather and the Christmas spirit. The city itself was chaotic but the places we went were absolutely magical.



xo, Michelle

PS. keep up with me on Instagram if you don't already! @michelleelaluna @maryandluna